The Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club of Canada is proud to present a Youth Award to promote and recognize youth choosing to dedicate their time to the Chesapeake breed by competing in CKC, UKC or AKC sanctioned events. .
This year’s award is available to youth 19 and under residing with or in the care of a CBRCC member in good standing. The award is given in honour of a past member that has contributed to the CBRCC. Each Youth whose application is verified will receive a club monogrammed biothane slip lead honouring the contributions of past members. Who is eligible for the award? Youth 19 years and under that handle a Chesapeake in any CKC , AKC or UKC sanctioned event in the present year. The youth may reside with, be in the care of or mentored by a member in good standing with the Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club of Canada. The Chesapeake does not have to be owned by the Youth or member in good standing. The Youth and Chesapeake team do not have to qualify , win or title in the event.
How to apply. Fill out the form available attached and soon to be available on the CBRCC website or contact Patti Kipper at pkipper@accesscomm.ca to receive the form. The form must be submitted and the Youth’s participation verified before December 31 of the participating year.
How to verify Youth participation. (any of the following)
-Copy of Show or Test Catalogue listing Youth as handler
-Receipt from club or show superintendent listing Youth as handling the Chesapeake
-Image of Youth and dog with judge, (we also ask permission to use any photos submitted in our Newsletter)